Chicken Cafreal
May 6, 2012 Posted by Shweta Shanbhag

1. Dry roast 1 tsp coriander seeds, 1 tsp cumin seeds,5-6 cloves,2 green cardamoms, 5-6 black peppercorns and 1 inch cinnamon till the spices are slightly brown.
2. Add 1 inch ginger, 4-5 cloves of garlic, 2 green chillies, ,and half onion roughly chopped. I also added 5-6 stalks of coriander leaves and sauteed all these till they are slightly cooked.
3. Now grind all this to a fine paste using a little water and salt. Make deep incisions in the 500 gm chicken and add all this fine paste and refrigerate for two to three hours (no need to freeze).
4. Heat three tablespoons of oil in a pan, add the marinated chicken and cook covered on medium heat stirring occasionally. Add a little warm water if required to avoid scorching.
5. Cook for 15 mins. When almost done add vinegar/lime juice according to taste and cook for two to three minutes. Serve hot as a side dish.
This one LOOKS YUMMY !!!Please make this next time I come over 😉 N also post the recipe of the Yummy Mutton Curry i had at ur place last weekend !!!
i try this recipe once when i visited my husband neighborhood ,even attempted to cooking it (my mother inlaw thought me) well its very good tasting and also tasty dish indeed